How to look your best on video calls – camera positioning is key!

Do you know that selfies always show your worst angle, the one where your double chin looks like a massive doughnut viewed from the side and your nostrils like the gateway to outer space?

You will stand there and retake that selfie until all your features look decent enough to share with the world.

So you understand the importance of positioning your smartphone for the perfect selfie, why not apply the same quality control on how you present yourself during an online meeting?

You don’t want your boss, potential new employer, or delegates at a fancy conference to think they found the new black hole scientists have been talking about and they do not want to see your undies…

Although we all love a good laugh and can find humour in almost all circumstances, we are pretty sure you don’t want to be the one people refer to when they talk about meeting bloopers.

Here are some tips on how to look good on video calls

So the people on the call can hear and understand what you are saying without distractions…

Busy background

Is your background too busy and will distract people from the conversation, are there any dirty dishes or clothes peeking out the side of the frame?

Remember we now have a glimpse of your personal space giving us just a bit more information about who you are.

Make sure your background reflects the professional you are and that it doesn’t look like a Jackson Pollock painting.

The best background for video conferencing is a plain, light-coloured wall.

You want to position the camera straight or slightly above you, pointing downward for the most flattering angle (we all have a double chin, yet we don’t necessarily want to put it on full display).

And please don’t install any external camera like you would a security camera.

(Yes, we have seen this before and it really is not a good idea.)

The angle that is created by installing your external camera this way will definitely showcase any inappropriate clothes you are wearing (or not) or that you haven’t cleaned your kitchen for weeks.

We know that most people might be a little camera-shy, but really, do we only get to see your forehead for the entire meeting or have to find where you are sitting in a dark room?

We are not playing hide and seek…

Although, now that we mention it…!

Position yourself so you are squarely in the middle of the frame, nicely lit with enough pace around you.

We don’t want to hear your kids running around your house or fighting over who has control of the television remote nor do we want to hear the lawnmower in action.

For you to look good (and by this, we mean professional and organised) you also need to sound good, therefore find a quiet space where noise distractions are minimal when partaking in online meetings.

With that being said, Boardroom in a Box’s Personal Collaboration Solution will ensure you don’t ever become a meme or YouTube sensation.

We can turn any desktop into a dynamic collaborative space by installing a plug-and-play USB HD webcam and/or headset combination or a mobile hands-free speakerphone.

Our premium webcams include RightLight technology that optimizes images for more
natural light and colour and all our audio solutions provide audio with noise-canceling technology for you to hear and be heard clearly.

Get in touch today to find out how our Personal Collaboration Solution can help you build strong connections with colleagues and people from the comfort of your home.